Contact Me

Hello friends!

So, as you know, I'm Nat. I'm currently a college student / soccer player at Stanford University and I would  LOVE to hear your stories. Whether that means you're posting them on the comments sections after each blog post or sending them to me via email, I want to hear what y'all are doing. Crazy stuff, life-long aspirations, that one night you decided eff it I'M GOING TO DO THIS. Yeah, I want those stories.

And don't be thinkin' oh... poor me... what if my story isn't crazy enough? I'm not talking, OMG I JUST BUNGEED OFF THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING or I AM STARRING IN A MOVIE WITH LEONARDO DICAPRIO! (Although those are both fine things to tell me about, too.) Just tell me what cool shizz you're up to. Ideas, adventures, shenanigans. Yup. And maybe you'll be Bada$$ of the month. Currently working on setting that up.


Put "TLE:" (i.e. Trying Literally Everything, see what I did there?) in the subject line so I know it's legit.

Send me yo ishh. Questions, stories, happiness, etc.

I promise I'll looove it.

