Monday, December 26, 2011

When Christmas Gets Competitive

Merry Belated Christmas errbody!

Ever had a White Elephant Christmas present exchange?

No, you don't exchange a bunch of white elephants. That would be impractical.

It's more like... how can I explain it? It's like a HYPER COMPETITIVE GIFT BATTLE TO THE DEATH

Picture this:

But with presents. 

At least, that's how it goes when we're talking about my family. To find the rules for this ridiculous/hilarious/semi-infuriating game, please click here. My aunt and uncle worked in cahoots to get the best gift and there was so much shouting, I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear us. I mean, I was probably the loudest, but whatever. My aunt's fiancee stole my movie basket. And my brother stole my lottery tickets.

If he wins the lottery I will be SO pissed.


But not really...

So! Although it's Christmas break I've been trying to get two things down before going back to school: 

1) Get my book started.

Check! I'm experiencing SEVERE writer's block at the moment... or at least I was. I mean, I had a slight epiphany post-gym today. Sweating loosens up the brain, I think. At least, my brain is responsive to sweating. And the shower. 90% of my ideas are thought of whilst showering.

Anyway, the next thing:

2) Get my grant to go to London.

Yeah, that London. 

I'm going... I HOPE. See, there's this summer footwear design program there... and I am DYING to go. Need to check that off the Life List of Awesome Things to Do as well. I have to find an advisor for it so I can get the grant money, etc etc but shhh, keep it on the DL because I don't want to jinx it. I'm not a very superstitious person (I mean, I'll open an umbrella inside because, yeah, I'm totally crazy like that) but this? I have to be careful. Once I get everything organized, mhmm, I'll be writing about it like alldatime.

If there were a #3 to-do I suppose it would be, work out for soccer so I don't come back entirely out of shape once off season training starts. Speaking of which I saw a former club coach at the gym. He coached me when I was 8, back when I could barely do a jumping jack. I told him about my frustrations with sports and he just smiled and said, "Yeah, but sometimes you just keep playing, right?"


And with that, I leave you. Nighty night and happy holidays.