Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fame? That'll be $200.

This morning, I got a call.

And by "morning," I mean the time of day at which I woke up, which really wasn't morning at all. It was more like 12:30. Or 1. Nothing to be ashamed of.

So, like I was saying, I got this call. From a woman. In a Vegas area code. Interesting.

"Hello?" I tried to sound like I hadn't just woken up, but that always seems to be an impossible thing to do. Whoever you're talking to can always tell.

She introduced herself as an advisor for this talent agency, called [insertonlinetalentagency name here]. Yeah, I'll just keep it under wraps. For a moment, I had no idea what she was talking about until I remembered, ohh yeah.. duh. I made a profile on that agency's website a few days ago.

Which segues perfectly into a mini-confession I have: I... um... applied for a movie role or two. Just for fun. It's part of that try-everything thing, you know? I've really been using this holiday break to put myself all over the internet! Creating profiles, a blog, etc etc.

Nothing inappropriate!


So, this woman told me that she'd seen the profile that I set up. I was surprised that I'd gotten a call at all because my profile had the bare minimum requirements and I signed up for the free account, which gives you a selection of crappy audition options to choose from. You know, like: do you want to model for a Chevron brochure in which only your left hand will be featured? Oh, yes. Skyrocket to stardom, that one.

But, apparently, according to my advisor-lady, the headshot I submitted of myself had attracted a lot of attention.

Hello, flattery.

She'd matched me to a bunch of different auditions, she'd told me. Over 400.

I was still trying to get out of groggy half-asleep mode.

Did she say 400?

One of the offers was a modeling job that would pay $5,000 dollars, and another was a role in some sci-fi movie that was coming up. The name of the movie? I didn't ask. Probably should've.

But then she started spitting prices at me for a month-subscription to the website. If there's anything I've learned during my childhood, it's that if an audition costs you... run away.


Not gonna lie... I had a little voice in my head that for a moment was like, You're Going to Be A Star! Which, psh, yeah I still can be but not this way. This was just supposed to be for fun, I don't want to pay for nuthin'.

I might call back and ask: "Can I just go to the audition for free?"

Because there is no such thing as a stupid question.

Maybe she will admire my courage and strong will!

Or maybe she'll hang up on me.

Either is fine.

In other news, today I spent way too much time sifting through 8 tracks playlists, Pandora, and my iTunes to finish up that sexy-ass playlist for winter. So far, I'm pretty proud of it. It's coming along. Just in case you're one of those impatient, fidgety people who can't wait for anything, here's another taste:

Mmm... tasty.

Other than that, I've been writing my book, my London proposal, and kicking back.

And now, I need to rush off to dinner with my family before they order without me, which they probably already have because that is how my family is. Tough love.

Still trying to get dad to O.K. the par-tay.

Keep you posted.

Mmm... Music

It's provocative... gets the people going!

Oh, music.

Today I'm going to talk about Those Songs.

You know Those Songs. At least, I hope you do. The breed of songs that you want to listen to in a pair of good headphones because, as they fill your whole world with music, it's like you're resting on this piece of the world that has been temporarily broken off, a place where you can imagine everything to the melody. Stories fall along the words or BOOM begin with the perfect change of pace that just hits you. It makes you feel like




If you don't know what I mean, you've yet to find the music that does it for you. And I HIGHLY suggest that you go find that music now because it will change your life. Or at least, it will relax and open your mind a little bit, and that's always a good thing isn't it?

I've been on the hunt for songs lately because, see, I'm trying to make this perfect playlist for Winter. It can't have the same energy of my back-to-school, in-season playlist, ya know? No, no, no. This list has to have a darker flavor. With a slightly deeper aftertaste. Perhaps some sexual undertones in there.

Hey it's all preferences.

And I could use some inspirations. You know that writer's block I was talking about in the last post? Music helps assuage the problem. It really does. Nothing paints the picture of a post-apocalyptic-all-love-is-lost story better than a good song that makes you feel like you're crumbling inside.

Am I crazy?

Maybe. Yes.  Possibly.

But I'm just saying. There's nothing like melting to the perfect song.

Speaking of which, if you'd like to hear a sample of the amazingness which I've been referring to / enjoy music with sexual undertones and an aftertaste reminiscent of dark chocolate mixed with an across-the-room lust, please listen to this:

The Black Keys: I'm a fan. Big fan. So sick.

I know their album cover makes them look sort of like a moodier Flight of the Conchords (who... okay, I also love, but for different reasons). But don't be fooled. Dis 'ish dope.

Well, that's all I've got today. Stay tuned for the rest of my Winter Ever After playlist. Maybe you'll like the same music I like. In which case, we are soul mates.

Until then, I will be trying to convince my Padre that it is a good idea to let my brother and I host a New Year's Par-tay at my house.

Fingers crossed.